Sales people

What are the Specific Benefits you are probably looking for:

  • “Never miss a follow-up opportunity again”
  • Increased conversion rates through better follow-up
  • More personalized client interactions
  • Reduced stress about forgetting important details
  • Time saved in reporting to management
  • Better preparation for quarterly reviews
  • “Turn every client interaction into actionable insights”
  • “Have your complete sales memory in your pocket – accessible exactly when you need it”

What do we see in real (business) life.

  • In a lot of cases, the most successful salespeople are the bosses (or they are high up in the hierarchy)… unless the company is not paying attention.
  • CRM’s are not friendly for the people who need it most: sales people.
  • Unfortunately, CRM’s are made for management: “how do I follow these guys up” instead of how can they organise themselves better so they can sell more?
  • Ideally, all data for the next meeting should be in 1 placeholder in the calendar on the date of their next appointment with the customer, but nobody is giving it to them.

Here is the technology stack and what it can do for you:

  • Handwritten notes made during the call.
  • Entering a sketch shown in a meeting or on screen.
  • A recording, and probably a transcript I had made and which will come in later (where do I put it?).
  • 2 screenshots with people and pictures from the zoom-screen.
  • Business cards received or from pictures on a zoom meeting.
  • Email attachments received from the customer.
  • A new appointment.
  • 2 colleagues to share the data with.
  • Send a new zoom invite for 3 weeks from now. (😀 sorry, … zoom booking has to be done on zoom itself ).
  • Adding a tag, showing that the customer is now in “quotation-mode”.
  • Mark the customer as priority 1 as you regularly want to check your priority 1 contacts.
  • capture post-call notes while driving to next meeting
  • Linking customer conversations with proposal deadlines
  • Instantly accessing previous meeting notes during calls
  • Tracking competitive intelligence with time-stamped reminders